Plantar Fasciitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Your foot is probably one of the most used things of your body and there can be issues with it as well and for some problems you may have to visit a podiatry clinic. Here is everything you need to know about plantar fasciitis and how it can affect overall movement.

So What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Your heel is the most used part of your leg and if there is pain or discomfort in either one or both of your heels, then it can be alarming. This is all the doing of a disorder known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a condition of your foot, where your heel can be in extreme pain, and discomfort and it can also feel swollen and tender at times. The result will be difficulty in walking and moving about normally. Whenever you put weight on your feet, you will feel pinches of pain and it can hinder your normal activities.

Plantar fasciitis is not a life-threatening condition, but it sure is quite difficult to deal with, if you’re in constant pain and you can’t seem to walk around properly. This is why you must figure out the cause and deal with the condition as soon as possible because that’s the only way by which you can get free from the clutches of pain.

Plantar fasciitis is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia. It is a thick ligament that connects the heel to the foot and it’s kind of like a sponge that absorbs all of the impact. If there is pain or swelling in the plantar fascia, then it can lead to a handful of problems.

What Are The Causes Of Plantar Fasciitis

Now that you know what exactly plantar fasciitis is, here are some possible causes of this condition.

The Type Of Shoes

The type of shoe you wear can turn things around. Women love wearing heels, but it’s not always good for their feet. Putting all of the weight on the tiny toes and tension in between the heel and the base of your foot can cause a lot of heel pain, especially if you’ve been wearing high heels for a long time.

On the flipside, wearing shoes that don’t cushion your heel can also lead to pain in the heel, and ultimately, plantar fasciitis. Thin-soled shoes like flip flops, slides, and other uncomfortable shoes that don’t have a lot of support or cushion in them can lead to plantar fasciitis.


Sometimes, being on your feet all day long can take a toll on your heels. They will not only feel achy but you will also feel a dull pain in your heels and that’s not a good sign at all.

Running Sports

If you’re someone who plays a lot of running sports where your feet need to be engaged at all times and there’s a lot of jumping and lunging involved, then the impact can affect your heels and it can lead to a lot of pain in the foot, especially near or in the heel.


Obesity and weight gain are also other causes of plantar fasciitis because your bones can only take so much weight and if there’s too much force being exerted on the bones and feet, then you better believe that the effects will be shown on your heels as well, so it’s better to keep a check on your weight gain.

What Are The Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis?

Here are some symptoms of plantar fasciitis.

  • The most obvious symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain. You will primarily feel pain in the heels or even in the middle of the foot where the arch is. The pain gradually builds over time, especially if you leave it unnoticed and think that “it will go away soon”. It will only turn into a more sharp and pinching sensation as time goes on.
  • If your foot has been in a stationary position for a long time, and you try to take a step, then it will hurt a lot. That’s also a huge sign of plantar fasciitis.
  • Usually, patients will not feel pain once they’re moving, rather they will feel the pinch creep up when they halt their movement, so after running or walking, the pain can get worse.
  • Lastly, there might be swelling or tenderness in your heel or near the base of the foot. This is the most physical symptom of plantar fasciitis.

How To Diagnose Plantar Fasciitis?

The next important step to figure out, is the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. Usually, when you experience any one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms you can check in with your doctor and get to the bottom of the issue.

The podiatrist or knee injury doctor Woodbridge will first check your foot physically for any signs of damage or another foot problem that isn’t plantar fasciitis. You will be asked to flex your foot while the doctor will examine the plantar fascia to see if that’s where the issue is.

Once that is done your doctor can run a few imaging tests to figure out for sure, about the pain in the heel. An x-ray or MRI scan is enough to pinpoint the condition of your foot and if there is tenderness or swelling shown on the image, then it’s probably plantar fasciitis and that’s causing all of the problems you’re experiencing.

How To Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

Here are some treatment options for plantar fasciitis.


Luckily, most of the issues with plantar fasciitis can be treated non-surgically. First, you need to ensure that you’re giving your feet a rest. Too much work isn’t good for an already swollen heel.


Icing and light stretching of the foot can also relieve the pain and if that’s not working, then a shot of painkiller injection or corticosteroids can be used to give you instant relief and you will be able to walk without pain, in no time.

Surgical Procedures

As for surgical methods, there is a procedure known as gastrocnemius recession, in which the surgeon lengthens your calf muscle to get rid of the pain. This surgery is quite invasive and can cause nerve damage if not a lot of care is taken of the foot, post-surgery.

Another surgical method is the plantar fascia release, in which an incision is made in the fascia to relieve some tension that’s causing the pain. This can also be an invasive procedure and it’s done as a last resort when nothing is working on your painful heel.

Physical Therapy

You can also opt for physical therapy and that’s going to increase the fluidity of your plantar fascia. You will feel the pain melt away and there won’t be any swelling either, if you’re consistent with the exercises, advised to you by the physical therapist.


If you want to limit the movement of your heel and want to give it time to heal, then you can use a brace to cover your foot. This is going to keep the heel in place and there won’t be unnecessary pressure.


Plantar fasciitis is a very serious condition because if it’s not dealt with, it can lead to immense pain and difficulty in walking, so you should see a podiatrist Woodbridge if you notice the symptoms.

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